Revenue & Finance

Direct inspection of vehicular traffic for Goods Transport compliance, leads to more disciplined business and, thus, direct increase of tax realization.

Mobility & Supervisory Platform

Documentary Compliance

Checking goods in transit.

On-road scanning & verification of Waybill, Invoice, Transit Pass.

verification & reconciliation

Two-point - Entry & Exit.

Instant online verification at border check posts by field officers.

Geo-tagged visuals

Combining mobile imagery & GPS.

Track entire ongoing activity directly on the map.

Officer Deployment

Using Geo-fences.

Know when an officer is operating out of bounds.

Maximum Tax Realization Through Effective Deterrence

Get real-time data on field activity
  Current location of officers, Fines paid

Strictly enforce vehicular checking on road
  Officers enabled with technology can ensure that every vehicle is checked

Widen the Tax Net - Let none slip by
  Even if a vehicle slips by one post, the next posts can be alerted through the system

View real-time analysis of every aspect of operations
  Totals, averages, & other analytics - circle-wise, designation-wise, officer-wise

We are empowered..